Everything you need to know about the NPE 2021 Virtual Seminars in Spanish
Everything you need to know about the NPE 2021 Virtual Seminars in Spanish
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Organizing events has been one of the most affected tasks by the coronavirus, however the update and training spaces have managed to reinvent themselves to continue bringing cutting-edge knowledge and debates in each of their industries to professionals from different areas.
That is why despite the cancellation of the on-site event NPE 2021: The Plastics Show, the magazines Tecnología del Plástico, El Empaque + Conversion and Reportero Industrial, in collaboration with NPE have come together to hold the traditional seminars in Spanish, in this opportunity in virtual mode.
In the NPE Online Seminars in Spanish you will be able to improve knowledge during two days of the online event around the main advances in technology, with recognized industry experts, through daily sessions of four conferences with the most relevant topics for the industry.
NPE Virtual Spanish Seminars: when and how to register
The event will take place on June 29 and 30, 2021 online. And you can attend for free only by registering through the website www.seminarios-npe.com, where you can also check more information about the event.
This seminar is based on the pan-regional knowledge of the magazine Tecnología del Plástico through 20 Latin American countries and on its 36 years of experience in the market. It is also leveraged on the leading position of Axioma B2B Marketing; the largest technical and B2B media publishing house of Latin America's, which has 13 publications for different markets.
This great synergy between technical publications that cover the consumer, packaging, logistics, metalworking and industrial transformation markets, nurtures the solid technical position of Tecnología del Plástico to offer a program that responds to the needs of the plastics transformation sector in Latin America. And that also allows attendees to take a look at cross-cutting issues, such as digitization, the circular economy and energy efficiency.
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